Christos William Ioannou - Before and After BABY MELINA
August - Sept '03

Updated 10/04/03

Some Washington County Fair - some Tontitown Grape Festival - a little Circus - and an artist's colony.

Little cowboy with big daddy "Hoss" at 2003 Tontitown Grape Fest.

Mugging it up with Bavarian Hat.

"Hey boy, that's not your bed!"

"Mister, won't you please help my pony..." - Christos At Washington County Fair.

Merry-go-round action at the fair (Like those eyes? Wait for the next pic.)

Waving from the train at the fair.

Now at the Circus!

Stunned and amazed by the trained elephants.

Finale at the Circus with mama!

Ar Terra Cotta Studios - near Elkins, AR - with Mommy and Melina (hidden.)

Playing in a mini house at the artist's colony.

Even smaller house - trolls are visible through kitchen window.

With Oma Franzi near more artwork.

The Studio is famous for the "Bluebird of Hapiness" glass blown birdies. Christo inspects a larger, outdoor piece.

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