Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral
St. Nicholas Party - December 2008.

Melina shown in between notes, during song.

Christos, among classmates, same event.

Christmas preparations

Choosing just the right tree, and cutting it down.
At Heritage Trails tree farm, Peninsula, OH.

Placing the pickle...


Melina reacts to Santa - he knows!

Christos is ready, he reels off his list.

Christos and Melina pose with Santa - confident that they are good little children.

2008 crazy-weather Browns game.
Browns lose to Bengals 14-0. Add severly negative wind-chill factor.
Now THAT'S fun.

Yikes! 3rd quarter - stadium is clearing out.

Christos - 4th quarter - there is still an NFL game being played - note practically empty stadium.

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