Vacation pics Ohio parks, Myrtle Beach, Maureen and Brian move in!
Updated 12/21/2009.
Last day of school starts the summer
Christo and buddies mill about.
Melina and care-partner, Ava.
Summer fun...
Tim Robinson cruises with Melina 1965 Cheve Impala Super Sport.
Tim with Brain, Ethan and Christo.
Camping Vacation in Ohio State Parks
Melina and Christos at Shawnee State Park.
Christos poses in front of the Great Serpent Mound
Melina at Nature preserve near Paint Creek State Park.
Christos and Melina at the Nature Preserve.
Melina and Christos near the water at Deer State Park.
What else did we do?
I wish I had some of these stocks at home...
Melina overlooking Cedar Point.
With Snoopy Cedar Point.
Brian and Christos at Cleveland Music School Settlement Sunmmer camp.
Brian doing the "Watusi"...
Beach Vacation!
South Carolina - August 2009.
Melina poses with Christos and Brian at cabin in Galax, VA. We stayed on the way to Myrtle Beach.
Mooshhhhh, Melina, Christos and Brian at the WAFFLE HOUSE.
Christos boogie boards. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Melina, Brian and Christos; they are all fearless...
Christos display a sand crab.
Proud moment, Christos' first ever swing on a real golf course.
Back Home!
Greek dancing, another Birthday cake.
Christos prepares to dance in the Junior Greek Dance troupe. Sts. Constantine and Helen Festival - August 2009.
Withe the boys - preparing for the show.
Melina celebrates birthday (6th!) at block party. Neighbors look on.

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