Vacation pics Ohio parks, Myrtle Beach, Melina's 1st day of school & MORE.
Updated 12/23/2008.
4th of July Childrens Parade & Street Party
Christo calls for his sister. Kiddie parade starts right in front of our house!
Melina sits in the fire truck.
It's Christo's turn.
Rare appearance by Mosshhhh's confederates... WINDSTORM!
Tim Robinson lights a cigarette from the smoldering tree, just struck by lightning.
Larry and Spence pack up after crazy windstorm wrecks golfing day at Manikiki.
Camping Vacation in Ohio State Parks
Melina and Christos at Beaver Creek State Park; we slept in the teepee!
Melina seen in the teepee, relaxing.
Christos, first thing in the morning.
Mason-Dixon Line marker in West Virginia, on our way south.
It was faster to get down to southern Ohio via Route 2 in WV.
Melina and Christos on the water at Forked Run State Park, Reedsville, OH.
Hope Furnace, a steel making furnace from the 1800's.
Along Lake Hope (Lake Hope State Park).
Christos chilling out at the Camper Cabin at Lake Hope SP.
Look closely, Melina is hand-feeding a hummingbird. Pretty cool.
Christos sits with zen-like posture to hand-feed a hummingbird.
Salt Fork State Park - Camper cabin. These are way easier than tents!
On Salt Fork Lake.
In Salt Fork Lake.
Salt Fork State Park - sunset - right before brazen, thieving racoon invasion.
On Lake Erie!
Christos mans the rudder, downtown Cleveland in the distance.
Melina in front of the lighthouse by the harbor.
Christos and Melina help hoist the mainsail - Cleveland Browns Stadium in the background.
Beach Vacation!
South Carolina (via Virginia)- August 2008.
Christos and Melina pose near the New River Gorge , WV.
This is on the back of the West Virginia quarter, by the way. World's longest suspension bridge.
Christos and Melina in the Blue Ridge Mountains near VA/NC border.
We broke up the drive to Myrtle Beach by stopping on the way.
Christos boogie boards. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Melina is fearless...
Local fisherman shows us blue crab. Christos and Melina, fascinated.
Melina gets a "hole-in-one" at putt-putt. One of many.
Christo gets a "hole-in-one".
Melina gets another "hole-in-one" at putt-putt. Christos fumes.
Last day in Myrtle Beach - Hurricane a-coming - family photo.
Nice pic on the beach.
Christos at NASCAR theme-park (take it easy, free tickets.)
On our way home, at the Richard Petty Museum. What? He's the KING?
Natural Bridge, VA.
One Of The 7 Natural Wonders Of The World
Owned By Thomas Jefferson
Initialed By George Washington
215 Feet Tall
90 Feet Wide
Deepest cavern in eastern US, Natural Bridge Cavern.
Up the creek that formed the Natural Bridge, check it out, nice tourist trap.
Natural Bridge Hotel, Christos & Melina.
Back Home!
Another Birthday cake and 1st day of school.
CMelina blows out cake - 08/24/2008
Insanity reigns with pinata.
Melina thanks neighbor Ryann.
Melina walks to school on a cool August day - 1st day of KINDERGARTEN.
Jan Henrich, Melina, Christo and Josh.
Is she shy? Are you kidding me?? Melina poses, coyly...
By the third day of school her real personality is on full display.
Christos and Melina also tested for their Orange Tiger belt, early September.
Christos at the last Indians home game 2008.
Melina hopes that next year will be "the year"... OK that's my thought, not hers, yet.

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