Dan Demaree (Reigning champ)
Mike Robb
Mick Taylor*
Jim Kuhn*
Dave "The Mosholu Masher" Braun
Gary McGriff* (5 Time Ex-Champ!)
John Palotas (Ex-Champ)
D.C. "Mooshhhh" Ioannou*
On the green
John Ploeger*
Scott Spencer
Tim Robinson
Layin 2 in the fairway
John Doherty (PAID!)
Waitin' at the tee. (EX-Blumpists NOT going)
Terry Mangan
Ed Armstrong
Alan English (Long-time Blumpist's wife expecting, good luck!)
Stevie Spencer* - Will dearth of $1 tips to strippers start the next recession?
Steve "Ed" Keith
Vince Furey* (Awaiting Aer Lingus' Spring Specials)
Briley Ritchason
Pete Hurth
Rod Sanford
Jay Connors
Harley J Seeley
Mike Barrett
Larry Wilhelm
Tony Niles
Dave Chambless
Tommi O'Dowd (May show up to give long overdue Blumpee to Mooshhhh)
Andy Beck (Re-wipe specialist)
This is an OPEN tourney - but it is CLOSED for this year. PLEASE pass the website address to any ex-Blumpists who are not on the e-mails or anyone else that you know who may want to go.
* Denotes "Founders' Club" Members (Original Blumpists)