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Day 1 - Golf, chowder & Perry.
Here you see Mooshhhh, bleary from a near all night drive from Atlanta. He finally has an excuse for sucking!
Jim, Mike & Demos - ready to tee-off and open up the Tourney!
Here you see John Palotas and Stevie Spencer enjoying the ancient traditions of Pine Lakes. Any slave owner would feel right at home, where "old times are NOT forgotten."
Here are some scenes of the festivities afterwards.
Jim makes sure Mooshhhh does the cipherin' correctly.
Jim, Mick & John sucking down some brews!
Gary reaches down and says, "Yup, he's got two!" after confirming that Timmy is merely cross-dressing and is still in the pre-op stages.
Jim - after a few shots - attempts to show that jamming a straw up his nose causes him no discomfort!
Jay demonstrates how he feels about his buddy, Mike.
Scores for Pine Lakes