2006 - Best year ever!(?) Turn the calendar - quick - to 2007!
* First day of Kindergarten (Christos)
* First day of Pre-K (Melina)
* MORE! Pics by Season.
That's all I have to say.
So - give me a break about no updates, and keep looking. Two children now compete for front page action on the Mooshhhh Zone, but there ARE MOOSHHHH additions. The 2006 Blumpee and the shocking champion.
You - the web community - demanded an update! Send me a message once in a while, will ya'?! I'll try to keep you up to date on this mostly kid-centric version of the Mooshhhhh Zone.
Sign the guestbook - take the poll - write to me. I'll reach back out to you.
WHY THE MOOSHHHH ZONE? Dedicated to the creator of this site - this page is meant for the enjoyment of YOU the visitor, whether you are one of my multitudinous family members, friends or just a browser. This is an evolving set of sites (so hard to keep fresh) - but I'm trying! So sign the guestbook, send an e-mail, venture into my weird world... or as it is called here on the internet... the Mooshhhh Zone!
Will the Buckeyes reign as the National Champion on Jan. 8, 2007. Remember the last time they won? Didn't you like the floating trophies and buckeye leaves on the Moosh Zone tribute? If you still want to see that glorious page
click here for the Mooshhh Zone tribute. Ummm - anyone got a ticket?
You have joined other idiots in wasting time on this page.
Demos C. Ioannou
mooshhhh@earthlink.net Note: SPAMBLOCK might put you in my "hold" box until I accept your e-mail
Shaker Heights, OH
Last updated 12/15/06