The Mooshhhh Zone remembers that
"it was 20 years ago today..."!
...Dec. 8, 1980.
I was doing my Calculus homework. Listening to David Bowie's "Scary Monsters" album, my mom interrupted me. "Howard Cosell just announced that John Lennon was shot," she said. I switched my stereo to WMMS and I heard a Lennon song. I knew what the outcome was -- a tribute. John Bonham and Keith Moon got the same treatment - but this was worse, way worse. The next day I went to school and played "Cold Turkey" before the announcements that I made with my buddy Tim Olzweski at Warren G. Harding High School.
I just went home after that, I didn't care about anything. Just imagine how much talent left this world within a couple of months... Bob Marley and John Lennon. So a mini-tribute here on the Mooshhhh Zone.
Sign the guestbook - tell me where you were when you heard John Lennon was shot or what he meant to you. I'll reach back out to you.
WHY THE MOOSHHHH ZONE? Dedicated to the creator of this site - this page is meant for the enjoyment of YOU the visitor, whether you are one of my multitudinous family members, friends or just a browser. This is an evolving set of sites (so hard to keep fresh) - but I'm trying! So sign the guestbook, send an e-mail, venture into my weird world... or as it is called here on the internet... the Mooshhhh Zone!
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