'98 Course Links

Moorland: All the info??? This site did not work Saturday & I called the course!! 

Panther's Run: NEW - BETTER INFO! 

Sea Trail - Rees Jones: Our Sunday Best! Check out the yardage book on here! 

Man-o-War: Crazy, Kitschy Site - All there, though! 

Other Essentials: 

The Weather Channel: Check it out, baby... 

Talk to the Coach: Wink!

The 1998 Blumpee Open 
Wow! Here we are ready to embark on another Blumpee Tournament. This year's tourney will be the biggest and best ever!
In the photo, you can see me, Demos Ioannou (aka Mooshhhh) second from the left in the bottom row. See how many original Blumpists YOU can find! Guess which person (the fattest one) is banned-for-life! A no-show that we'll actually miss (while he's in Ireland) is also pictured.
WHY THE OFFICIAL WEBPAGE? Dedicated to YOU the WEB-SAVY BLUMPIST or a visitor to this site, this page will allow you to visit the courses, check the weather and get crucial info to get you ready. Oh yeah, WHAT IS A BLUMPEE? Ask Timmy Robinson, he'll SHOW you. 
The original page can be seen by clicking on the underlined part of this sentence.
By Monday afternoon of Blumpee Week '98 you will also see:
Letters to Dear Hamish
Blumpee Rules & Scoring System (Stableford)
and MORE...
people have visited this page - but the number is small, compared to the penalty strokes Timmy Robinson will take over 72 holes! 

Demos C. Ioannou

Last updated 2/23/98
Please send an e-mail to be notified of updates to this page! 

Official Blumpee LINKS

Official BAND: WEEN 

The Mooshhhh Zone: Heralded as BEST SITE on the web!