Essential Links

Mooshhhh's newest pet: Sammy!
Mooshhhh's Aviary: The Finch Page!
Mooshhhh's Family Tree: Does the apple fall far...?
The Real Beer Page: Your guide to another hobby of mine...
Kraft Foods On-line: All hail...
Music Links: Check it out, baby...
Talk to the Buddha: Be enlightened!
Talk to the Coach: Even more enlightening!
The Blumpee: The world's Best Tourney!
Mooshhhh's Greek Trip: See Rhodes!

The Mooshhhh Zone features...
Taken 6/4/99 with the new JamC@m!

June 1999

Here you see Mooshhhh (aka) D.C. Ioannou - hard at work at Oscar Mayer World Headquarters. Look for updates - soon.

WHY THE MOOSHHHH ZONE? Dedicated to the creator of this site - this page is meant for the enjoyment of YOU the visitor, whether you are one of my multitudinous family members, friends or just a browser. This is an evolving set of sites (still very amateurish) - but I'm trying! So send an e-mail, venture into my weird world... or as it is called here on the internet... the Mooshhhh Zone!
Homer is being hypnotized to lose weight. Instead of, "Mmmmmmmm - Doughnuts" his new mantra is "Mmmmmmmmmmm - carrots." Will it work?

You have joined other idiots in wasting time on this page.
Guest book is unavailable, send e-mail!

Demos C. Ioannou
Madison, WI
Last updated 6/4/99

You want more?

Mooshhhh's NEW PAD!: Lot's of lawn to mow!
Mooshhhh's Corporate Persona: In Black & White
The Mooshhhh Zone's Most Requested Photo: SURPRISE!
Dieter Herchet's New Baby
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