Proposed module for Har-Ber Meadows - CLICK ON PIC TO SEE LARGER VIEW.
Please note: Picture shown in Har-Ber Meadows Bulletin was NOT a proposal for this project. It was an example of a playground from the Little Tykes Commercial webpage!
Dear Har-Ber Meadow Residents:
We have currently met 10% of our goal to refurbish the playground by the swimming pool. I would like to thank the following people for their very prompt and generous donations:
Don and Linda Rutledge
Andy and Marie Breuer
Vernon and Shirley Lott
Walker Brothers Insurance
John and Paula Goodwin
Jann Tomlinson
John Duke
I have spoken with many neighbors and friends in Har-Ber Meadows who have indicated that they do intend to send in a donation, thus now would be the perfect time to go ahead and do it. With Spring already here, and the weather permitting us all to get outdoors, we’d like to really expedite this process and hope to be ready to install the new playground equipment by the beginning of Summer, so the children will have an entire season to enjoy it. So, please make it your goal to send in your donation by the end of this month payable to “Har-Ber Meadows” to Andy Breuer at 6610 Bernice Ave; Springdale, AR 72762.
Some of you have inquired why the POA Board is not funding the new playground. Basically, there are not enough funds in the budget to do such a redesign, and I decided that as parents, we could go ahead and raise the money needed for the improvements.
I recently looked at “Little Tykes” outdoor toys at a local “Toys-‘R-Us” store, and the price for a small slide or toy house is upwards of $200-$300! Given that context, I thought each parent could make a smaller contribution for a much larger gain in outdoor play equipment that many generations of children can enjoy. So far, the contributions are in the $25-$50-$100 range and please understand that no donation is “too small” for this project. Any amount any resident decides to donate for the community’s children will be well appreciated.
And, regardless if one chooses to donate or not, the new playground will be for the entire neighborhood to enjoy for countless years to come!
Thank you again and please feel free to call me if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns at 306-0404.
Molly Ioannou
Project Volunteer